A letter to all people in the world

Dear citizens of the Earth,

Have you ever seen Earth’s glory? Have you ever seen the beauty of nature at work? Isn’t it magnificent how nature takes care of itself? What a wonderful place do we life in, right? The Earth can be such a beautiful, peaceful place, with plenty of resources for every plant and animal. I think the way a dog can show you his trust and love, is just stunning. The way a tiger takes care of her cubs, the beautiful appearance of birds in the sky, isn’t it all amazing?

Have you ever seen wild animals? Except for being beautiful, nature can be rough to. But, animals only kill in order to survive. Humans, well… we kill just because we can. Surviving isn’t an issue anymore. All we care about is money and power. Mankind is a sick and twisted being. Isn’t it ironic, that on the one hand most people comply about violence and say they want a peaceful world, while on the other hand, without the weapon industries, our world economy will collapse?

People say it’s all about religion. Religion is bad, because much harm comes from religious groups who claim they’re acting in the name of God. Well, whether this God exists or not… Think rational: if we are all God’s creaction, do you really think He would want us to extinguish eachother? How much harm we humans do to the world, how we destroy our own world, do you really think someone who has created all of this would want that? I think it’s a very invalid reason to justify humans own disgusting acts. When you say evil comes from religion, isn’t it in fact that evil comes from humans, who just happen to use religion as justification? And they only do so in order to avoid responsibility.

If we elaborate on this, it becomes quite clear that mankind is it’s own problem. Why do we say we want to live our lives peacefully, happily, but we can’t achieve that? The world we live in today is very small due to globalization. Thanks to the internet we are up to date about almost everything what happens in the world. And, we have an opinion of all what happens. Not just that, but we are also very egocentric beings. We want others to adopt our opinions and to behave like we deem valid. So, we live in a world where everyone is interfering with eachother. How’d you like that, if someone keeps interfering with your life, telling you what to do? That kinda sucks, right? Due to our neverending mutual meddling, we’ve created a society in which everyone is petulant. I think it isn’t that surprising that there are people who want to be left alone, minding their own affairs. So, what happens is that people become grumpy and act violently against eachother, which in the end will turn into fights and even into people killing eachother.

If we apply this on a bigger scale, you should see we live in a world with a variety of cultures. Each culture has its own ethics, but it might happen not every culture agrees with the ethics of the other one. What we do when we look at another culture, is that we value it from our own ethics perspective. There are cases of which we think they’re inhuman, but that’s merely from our own cultural view. In the culture we’re observing, or the culture we’re complaining about, these cases might seem legid due to their ethical system. What happens is that, for instance, the Western world is meddling with the ethics of Iran, whereby they try to change the Iranese ethics into our ethics. Does this seem fair to you? No, I’m not saying that I approve of lapidation or FGM, but who are we to change a whole cultural system?

In the end, it all comes down to power. We have the power to impose our culture onto another one, whether or not by violence. We justify this in terms of human rights. We think we need to redeem certain country’s from their cultural traits, but by doing so, don’t we just act like those terrorists who justify their acts upon religion?

Wouldn’t Earth be a much better place if we just stop meddling with eachother? Yes, we need certain basic rules, we need an ethical system, but those can differ per culture. Can’t we just accept those differences instead of fighting wars everywhere? It’s true that without any ethical system, man could do whatever he pleases. That’s not right too, but this ungoing interfering and trying to change others to our standards, isn’t ethical as well. We should discuss an Earth-ethic with all world leaders. A few basic ethical rules which everyone approves of. This ethics should be based on how lands, and cultures, approach eachother, and on tradings, and ofcourse about violence and peace. But we should stop meddling with eachother. We should stop imposing our thoughts onto others. We should begin with dialogue, instead of monologue. We should stop destroying our own world, our own race. We should wake up! Life is’nt all shimmering, but we don’t have to make it worse, right?

Wake up, citizens of the Earth. Wake up, and start talking, instead of firing!

Bron afbeelding: Pixabay.






11 reacties op “A letter to all people in the world”

  1. Lou-ann avatar

    Onwijs geschreven zeg! Ik denk dat je gelijk hebt, helemaal gelijk, Xoxo

  2. די מריו avatar

    Vandaag vierde wij Poerim, waar een volk geprobeerd wordt uit te roeien. Maar het lukt niet. Kunnen we dit feest niet vieren voor iedereen in de wereld. Samenleving, dat is samen leven.

    Love As Always
    di Mario

    1. Roos avatar

      Poerim… Dat had toch te maken met het verhaal van Esther? Mijn feestdagenkennis is nog niet helemaal de je-van-het.

      Samen leven, dat is precies wat we moeten doen. Nu leven we tegen elkaar in. De onnozelheid des mensen.

      1. די מריו avatar

        Goed bezig.. Esther inderdaad.. je leer vanzelf een hoop bij.. geduld.

        Lvoe As Always
        Di Mario

      2. Jos de Groot avatar
        Jos de Groot

        Even naar Wikipedia Roos, deed ik ook. Heb je inmiddels gevonden op Facebook. Mooi geschreven. Sta helemaal achter jouw verhaal. Op Facebook doe ik mijn best om andere culturen te ontmoeten via muziek. Ben nog nooit zo gelukkig geweest en is mijn gevoel dat ik weer volop in het leven sta flink geïntensiveerd. Ga door met schrijven, please? 🙂


        1. Roos avatar

          Haha, Wikipedia is onze kennisheld in nood. 😛
          Dank voor het compliment! Muziek is inderdaad een hele goede manier om culturen te leren kennen. Misschien kun je dat iets uitbreiden door bepaalde vieringen van een groepering te bezoeken? 🙂

  3. Sabine avatar

    Mooi geschreven! Hoop dat dit ooit gaat lukken 🙂

  4. Anne avatar

    Ik heb het hardop gelezen, want het was te mooi om alleen in m’n hoofd te doen. Je had me moet horen :’)
    Maar echt mooi hoor, Roos, je zet me weer aan het denken, ALWEER hahaha.

    1. Roos avatar

      Hahaha, ik heb echt een hekel aan hardop lezen, behalve als het ‘voorlezen’ betreft. 😛 Maar dank voor het compliment! 🙂
      Wij hebben een wederzijdse denkinvloed, haha. 😉

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